2023-07-20 23:26:49 +08:00

63 lines
1.5 KiB

config =
environment.systemPackages = with inputs.pkgs;
beep neofetch screen dos2unix tldr gnugrep pv
pciutils usbutils lshw powertop compsize iotop iftop smartmontools htop intel-gpu-tools btop wayland-utils clinfo
glxinfo vulkan-tools
vim nano
wget aria2 curl yt-dlp
tree git autojump exa
nix-output-monitor inputs.topInputs.nix-alien.packages.x86_64-linux.nix-alien nix-template
apacheHttpd certbot-full
pigz rar unrar upx unzip zip lzip
util-linux snapper
ocrmypdf pdfgrep
openssl ssh-to-age gnupg age sops
ipset iptables iproute2 dig nettools
gcc clang-tools
sshfs kio-fuse
trash-cli tmux adb-sync pdfchain wgetpaste httplib clang magic-enum xtensor
go rustc boost cereal cxxopts valgrind
lsd zellij broot
nil nixd
p7zip appimage-run file todo-txt-cli
programs =
nix-index-database.comma.enable = true;
nix-index.enable = true;
command-not-found.enable = false;
zsh =
enable = true;
syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
autosuggestions.enable = true;
enableCompletion = true;
ohMyZsh =
enable = true;
plugins = [ "git" "colored-man-pages" "extract" "history-substring-search" "autojump" ];
customPkgs = with inputs.pkgs; [ zsh-nix-shell ];
adb.enable = true;
gnupg.agent =
enable = true;
enableSSHSupport = true;
services =
fwupd.enable = true;
udev.packages = [ inputs.pkgs.yubikey-personalization ];