inputs: { options.nixos.packages.winapps = let inherit (inputs.lib) mkOption types; in mkOption { type = types.nullOr (types.submodule {}); default = if inputs.config.nixos.system.gui.enable then {} else null; }; config = let inherit (inputs.config.nixos.packages) winapps; in inputs.lib.mkIf (winapps != null) { nixos.packages.packages._packages = [ (inputs.pkgs.callPackage "${inputs.topInputs.winapps}/packages/winapps" {}) ] ++ (p: inputs.pkgs.runCommand "winapps-${p}" {} '' mkdir -p $out/share/applications source ${inputs.topInputs.winapps}/apps/${p}/info # replace \ with \\ WIN_EXECUTABLE=$(echo $WIN_EXECUTABLE | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g') # replace space with \s WIN_EXECUTABLE=$(echo $WIN_EXECUTABLE | sed 's/ /\\s/g') cat > $out/share/applications/${p}.desktop << EOF [Desktop Entry] Name=$NAME Exec=winapps manual "$WIN_EXECUTABLE" %F Terminal=false Type=Application Icon=${inputs.topInputs.winapps}/apps/${p}/icon.svg StartupWMClass=$FULL_NAME Comment=$FULL_NAME Categories=$CATEGORIES MimeType=$MIME_TYPES EOF '') [ "access-o365" "acrobat-x-pro" "cmd" "excel-o365" "explorer" "illustrator-cc" "powerpoint-o365" "visual-studio-comm" "windows" "word-o365" ]; }; }