inputs: { = let inherit (inputs.lib) mkOption types; in mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule (inputs: { options = { user = mkOption { type = types.nonEmptyStr; default =; }; image = mkOption { type = types.package; }; imageName = mkOption { type = types.nonEmptyStr; default = with inputs.config.image; (imageName + ":" + imageTag); }; ports = mkOption { type = types.listOf (types.oneOf [ types.ints.unsigned types.submodule (inputs: { options = { hostIp = mkOption { type = types.nonEmptyStr; default = ""; }; hostPort = mkOption { type = types.ints.unsigned; }; containerPort = mkOption { type = types.ints.unsigned; }; protocol = mkOption { type = types.enum [ "tcp" "udp" ]; default = "tcp"; }; };}) ]); default = []; }; environmentFile = mkOption { type = types.oneOf [ types.bool types.nonEmptyStr ]; default = false; }; };})); default = {}; }; config = let inherit (inputs.lib) mkIf; inherit (builtins) listToAttrs map concatLists; inherit (inputs.localLib) attrsToList; inherit ( docker; in mkIf (docker != {}) { virtualisation.oci-containers.containers = listToAttrs (map (container: { name = "${}"; value = { image = container.value.imageName; imageFile = container.value.image; ports = map (port: ( if builtins.typeOf port == "int" then toString port else ("${port.value.hostIp}:${toString port.value.hostPort}" + ":${toString port.value.containerPort}/${port.value.protocol}") )) container.value.ports; extraOptions = [ "--add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway" ]; environmentFiles = if builtins.typeOf container.value.environmentFile == "bool" && container.value.environmentFile then [ inputs.config.sops.templates."${}.env".path ] else if builtins.typeOf container.value.environmentFile == "bool" then [] else [ container.value.environmentFile ]; }; }) (attrsToList docker)); systemd = { services = listToAttrs (concatLists (map (container: let user = container.value.user; in [ { name = "docker-${user}-daemon"; value = let originalService =; in { wantedBy = [ "" ]; inherit (originalService) description path; environment.XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = "/run/docker-rootless/${user}"; serviceConfig = originalService.serviceConfig // { User = user; Group = user; # AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; ExecStart = originalService.serviceConfig.ExecStart + " -H unix:///var/run/docker-rootless/${user}/docker.sock"; }; unitConfig = { inherit (originalService.unitConfig) StartLimitInterval; }; }; } { name = "docker-${}"; value = { requires = [ "docker-${user}-daemon.service" ]; after = [ "docker-${user}-daemon.service" ]; environment = { XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = "/run/docker-rootless/${user}"; DOCKER_HOST = "unix:///run/docker-rootless/${user}/docker.sock"; }; serviceConfig = { User = user; Group = user; CapabilityBoundingSet = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; }; }; } ]) (attrsToList docker))); tmpfiles.rules = map (container: with container.value; "d /run/docker-rootless/${user} 0755 ${user} ${user}") (attrsToList docker); }; nixos.virtualization.docker.enable = true; users = { users = listToAttrs (map (container: { name = container.value.user; value = { isSystemUser = true; group = container.value.user; autoSubUidGidRange = true; home = "/run/docker-rootless/${container.value.user}"; }; }) (attrsToList docker)); groups = listToAttrs (map (container: { name = container.value.user; value = {}; }) (attrsToList docker)); }; }; }