lib: rec { attrsToList = attrs: (name: { inherit name; value = attrs.${name}; }) (builtins.attrNames attrs); mkConditional = condition: trueResult: falseResult: let inherit (lib) mkMerge mkIf; in mkMerge [ ( mkIf condition trueResult ) ( mkIf (!condition) falseResult ) ]; # Behaviors of these two NixOS modules would be different: # { pkgs, ... }@inputs: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.hello ]; } # inputs: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.hello ]; } # The second one would failed to evaluate because nixpkgs would not pass pkgs to it. # So that we wrote a wrapper to make it always works like the first one. mkModules = moduleList: ( ( let handle = module: let type = builtins.typeOf module; in if type == "path" || type == "string" then (handle (import module)) else if type == "lambda" then ({ pkgs, utils, ... }@inputs: (module inputs)) else module; in handle ) moduleList); # from: stripeTabs = text: let # Whether all lines start with a tab (or is empty) shouldStripTab = lines: builtins.all (line: (line == "") || (lib.strings.hasPrefix " " line)) lines; # Strip a leading tab from all lines stripTab = lines: (line: lib.strings.removePrefix " " line) lines; # Strip tabs recursively until there are none stripTabs = lines: if (shouldStripTab lines) then (stripTabs (stripTab lines)) else lines; in # Split into lines. Strip leading tabs. Concat back to string. builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (stripTabs (lib.strings.splitString "\n" text)); # find an element in a list, return the index findIndex = e: list: let findIndex_ = i: list: if (builtins.elemAt list i) == e then i else findIndex_ (i + 1) list; in findIndex_ 0 list; # return a list of path, including: # - all .nix file in the directory except for default.nix # - all directories containing a default.nix findModules = path: builtins.filter (path: path != null) ( (subPath: if subPath.value == "regular" && != "default.nix" then if lib.strings.hasSuffix ".nix" then "${path}/${}" else null else if subPath.value == "directory" then if (builtins.readDir "${path}/${}")."default.nix" or null == "regular" then "${path}/${}" else null else null) (attrsToList (builtins.readDir path))); }