inputs: { = let inherit (inputs.lib) mkOption types; in { client = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; }; serverAddress = mkOption { type = types.nonEmptyStr; default = ""; }; serverName = mkOption { type = types.nonEmptyStr; default = ""; }; dae.lanInterfaces = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.nonEmptyStr; default = inputs.lib.optionals inputs.config.nixos.virtualization.docker.enable [ "docker0" ]; }; }; server = { enable = mkOption { type = types.bool; default = false; }; serverName = mkOption { type = types.nonEmptyStr; }; }; }; config = let inherit ( xray; in inputs.lib.mkMerge [ { assertions = [{ assertion = !(xray.client.enable && xray.server.enable); message = "Currenty xray.client and xray.server could not be simutaniusly enabled."; }]; } ( inputs.lib.mkIf xray.client.enable { services = { xray = { enable = true; settingsFile = inputs.config.sops.templates."xray-client.json".path; }; dae = { enable = true; config = '' global { tproxy_port: 12345 tproxy_port_protect: true so_mark_from_dae: 0 log_level: info disable_waiting_network: false lan_interface: ${builtins.concatStringsSep "," xray.client.dae.lanInterfaces} wan_interface: auto auto_config_kernel_parameter: true dial_mode: ip allow_insecure: false tls_implementation: tls } node { 'socks5://localhost:10884' } dns { upstream { alidns: 'udp://' googledns: 'tcp+udp://' } routing { request { qname(geosite:geolocation-cn) -> alidns qname(geosite:geolocation-!cn) -> googledns fallback: alidns } response { upstream(alidns) && !ip(geoip:cn) -> googledns fallback: accept } } } group { default_group { policy: fixed(0) } } routing { # TODO: more general rules to bypass the proxy pname(xray) -> direct dip(, 'ff00::/8') -> direct dip(geoip:private) -> direct domain(geosite:geolocation-cn) -> direct domain(geosite:geolocation-!cn) -> default_group dip( -> default_group dip( -> direct dip(geoip:cn) -> direct !dip(geoip:cn) -> default_group fallback: default_group } ''; }; }; sops = { templates."xray-client.json" = { owner =; group =; content = let chinaDns = ""; foreignDns = ""; in builtins.toJSON { log.loglevel = "info"; inbounds = [ { port = 10881; protocol = "dokodemo-door"; settings = { network = "tcp,udp"; followRedirect = true; }; streamSettings.sockopt.tproxy = "tproxy"; tag = "xmu-in"; } { port = 10884; protocol = "socks"; settings.udp = true; tag = "proxy-in"; } { port = 10882; protocol = "socks"; settings.udp = true; tag = "direct-in"; } ]; outbounds = [ { protocol = "vless"; settings.vnext = [{ address = xray.client.serverAddress; port = 443; users = [{ id = inputs.config.sops.placeholder."xray-client/uuid"; encryption = "none"; flow = "xtls-rprx-vision-udp443"; }]; }]; streamSettings = { network = "tcp"; security = "reality"; realitySettings = { serverName = xray.client.serverName; publicKey = "Nl0eVZoDF9d71_3dVsZGJl3UWR9LCv3B14gu7G6vhjk"; fingerprint = "firefox"; }; }; tag = "proxy-vless"; } { protocol = "freedom"; tag = "direct"; } { protocol = "dns"; tag = "dns-out"; } { protocol = "socks"; settings.servers = [{ address = ""; port = 10069; }]; tag = "xmu-out"; } { protocol = "blackhole"; tag = "block"; } ]; routing = { domainStrategy = "AsIs"; rules = (rule: rule // { type = "field"; }) [ { inboundTag = [ "xmu-in" ]; outboundTag = "xmu-out"; } { inboundTag = [ "direct-in" ]; outboundTag = "direct"; } { inboundTag = [ "proxy-in" ]; outboundTag = "proxy-vless"; } ]; }; }; }; secrets."xray-client/uuid" = {}; }; = { xray = { serviceConfig = { DynamicUser = inputs.lib.mkForce false; User = "v2ray"; Group = "v2ray"; CapabilityBoundingSet = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; LimitNPROC = 65536; LimitNOFILE = 524288; }; restartTriggers = [ inputs.config.sops.templates."xray-client.json".file ]; }; v2ray-forwarder = { description = "v2ray-forwarder Daemon"; after = [ "" ]; wantedBy = [ "" ]; serviceConfig = let ipset = "${inputs.pkgs.ipset}/bin/ipset"; iptables = "${inputs.pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables"; ip = "${inputs.pkgs.iproute}/bin/ip"; xmuPort = "10881"; in { Type = "simple"; RemainAfterExit = true; ExecStart = inputs.pkgs.writeShellScript "v2ray-forwarder.start" (builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" ( [ "${ipset} create xmu_net hash:net" "${iptables} -t mangle -N v2ray -w" "${iptables} -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j v2ray -w" ] ++ (map (action: "${iptables} -t mangle -A v2ray ${action} -w") [ "-m set --match-set xmu_net dst -p tcp -j TPROXY --on-port ${xmuPort} --tproxy-mark 1/1" "-m set --match-set xmu_net dst -p udp -j TPROXY --on-port ${xmuPort} --tproxy-mark 1/1" ]) ++ [ "${iptables} -t mangle -N v2ray_mark -w" "${iptables} -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j v2ray_mark -w" ] ++ (map (action: "${iptables} -t mangle -A v2ray_mark ${action} -w") [ "-m set --match-set xmu_net dst -p tcp -j MARK --set-mark 1/1" "-m set --match-set xmu_net dst -p udp -j MARK --set-mark 1/1" ]) ++ [ "${ip} rule add fwmark 1/1 table 100" "${ip} route add local dev lo table 100" ] )); ExecStop = inputs.pkgs.writeShellScript "v2ray-forwarder.stop" '' ${iptables} -t mangle -F v2ray -w ${iptables} -t mangle -D PREROUTING -j v2ray -w ${iptables} -t mangle -X v2ray -w ${iptables} -t mangle -F v2ray_mark -w ${iptables} -t mangle -D OUTPUT -j v2ray_mark -w ${iptables} -t mangle -X v2ray_mark -w ${ip} rule del fwmark 1/1 table 100 ${ip} route del local dev lo table 100 ${ipset} destroy xmu_net ''; }; }; }; users = { users.v2ray = { uid = inputs.config.nixos.system.user.user.v2ray; group = "v2ray"; isSystemUser = true; }; groups.v2ray.gid =; }; } ) ( inputs.lib.mkIf xray.server.enable (let userList = builtins.genList (n: n) 30; in { services.xray = { enable = true; settingsFile = inputs.config.sops.templates."xray-server.json".path; }; sops = { templates."xray-server.json" = { owner =; group =; content = builtins.toJSON { log.loglevel = "warning"; inbounds = [ ( let fallbackPort = toString (with; httpsPort + httpsPortShift.http2); in { port = 4726; listen = ""; protocol = "vless"; settings = { clients = map (n: { id = inputs.config.sops.placeholder."xray-server/clients/user${toString n}"; flow = "xtls-rprx-vision"; email = "${toString n}"; }) userList; decryption = "none"; fallbacks = [{ dest = "${fallbackPort}"; }]; }; streamSettings = { network = "tcp"; security = "reality"; realitySettings = { dest = "${fallbackPort}"; serverNames = [ xray.server.serverName ]; privateKey = inputs.config.sops.placeholder."xray-server/private-key"; minClientVer = "1.8.0"; shortIds = [ "" ]; }; }; sniffing = { enabled = true; destOverride = [ "http" "tls" "quic" ]; routeOnly = true; }; tag = "in"; } ) { port = 4638; listen = ""; protocol = "vless"; settings = { clients = [{ id = "be01f0a0-9976-42f5-b9ab-866eba6ed393"; }]; decryption = "none"; }; = "tcp"; sniffing = { enabled = true; destOverride = [ "http" "tls" "quic" ]; }; tag = "in-localdns"; } { listen = ""; port = 6149; protocol = "dokodemo-door"; settings.address = ""; tag = "api"; } ]; outbounds = [ { protocol = "freedom"; tag = "freedom"; } { protocol = "vless"; settings.vnext = [{ address = ""; port = 4638; users = [{ id = "be01f0a0-9976-42f5-b9ab-866eba6ed393"; encryption = "none"; }]; }]; = "tcp"; tag = "loopback-localdns"; } ]; routing = { domainStrategy = "AsIs"; rules = (rule: rule // { type = "field"; }) [ { inboundTag = [ "in" ]; domain = [ "" ]; outboundTag = "loopback-localdns"; } { inboundTag = [ "in" ]; outboundTag = "freedom"; } { inboundTag = [ "in-localdns" ]; outboundTag = "freedom"; } { inboundTag = [ "api" ]; outboundTag = "api"; } ]; }; stats = {}; api = { tag = "api"; services = [ "StatsService" ]; }; policy = { levels."0" = { statsUserUplink = true; statsUserDownlink = true; }; system = { statsInboundUplink = true; statsInboundDownlink = true; statsOutboundUplink = true; statsOutboundDownlink = true; }; }; }; }; secrets = inputs.localLib.listToAttrs (map (n: { name = "xray-server/clients/user${toString n}"; value = {}; }) userList) // (inputs.localLib.listToAttrs (map (name: { name = "xray-server/telegram/${name}"; value = (let user = inputs.config.users.users.v2ray; in { owner =; inherit (user) group; }); }) [ "token" "chat" ])) // { "xray-server/private-key" = {}; }; }; systemd = { services = { xray = { serviceConfig = { DynamicUser = inputs.lib.mkForce false; User = "v2ray"; Group = "v2ray"; CapabilityBoundingSet = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; AmbientCapabilities = "CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"; LimitNPROC = 65536; LimitNOFILE = 524288; }; restartTriggers = [ inputs.config.sops.templates."xray-server.json".file ]; }; xray-stat = { script = let xray = "${inputs.pkgs.xray}/bin/xray"; awk = "${inputs.pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk"; curl = "${inputs.pkgs.curl}/bin/curl"; jq = "${inputs.pkgs.jq}/bin/jq"; sed = "${inputs.pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed"; cat = "${inputs.pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat"; token = inputs.config.sops.secrets."xray-server/telegram/token".path; chat = inputs.config.sops.secrets."xray-server/telegram/chat".path; in '' message='xray:\n' for i in {0..${toString ((builtins.length userList) - 1)}} do upload_bytes=$(${xray} api stats --server= \ -name "user>>>''${i}>>>traffic>>>uplink" | ${jq} '.stat.value' | ${sed} 's/"//g') [ -z "$upload_bytes" ] && upload_bytes=0 download_bytes=$(${xray} api stats --server= \ -name "user>>>''${i}>>>traffic>>>downlink" | ${jq} '.stat.value' | ${sed} 's/"//g') [ -z "$download_bytes" ] && download_bytes=0 traffic_gb=$(echo | ${awk} "{printf \"%.3f\",(''${upload_bytes}+''${download_bytes})/1073741824}") message="$message$i"'\t'"''${traffic_gb}"'G\n' done ${curl} -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d "{\"chat_id\": \"$(${cat} ${chat})\", \"text\": \"$message\"}" \$(${cat} ${token})/sendMessage ''; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; User = "v2ray"; Group = "v2ray"; }; }; }; timers.xray-stat = { wantedBy = [ "" ]; timerConfig = { OnCalendar = "*-*-* 0:00:00"; Unit = "xray-stat.service"; }; }; }; users = { users.v2ray = { uid = inputs.config.nixos.system.user.user.v2ray; group = "v2ray"; isSystemUser = true; }; groups.v2ray.gid =; }; = { acme = { enable = true; cert.${xray.server.serverName}.group =; }; nginx = { enable = true;"${xray.server.serverName}" = 4726; https."${xray.server.serverName}" = { listen.main = { proxyProtocol = false; addToTransparentProxy = false; }; location."/".return.return = "400"; }; }; }; } )) ]; }