2021-04-01 19:25:38 +02:00

132 lines
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# Saiph, granularity experiment:
# App:Heat 3D - garlic/tampi+isend+oss+task+simd branch
# App details:
# 3D mesh of ~400*400*400 points
# nbgx = global blocks in the X dimension
# nbgy = global blocks in the Y dimension
# nbgz = global blocks in the Z dimension
# --> nbgx*nbgy*nbgz = global distributed blocks
# nbly = local blocks in the Y dimension
# nblz = local blocks in the Z dimension
# --> nbly*nblz = local blocks (#tasks)
# Granularity experiment configuration:
# Single-core run
# MPI binded to sockets: MPI procs = 2
# Mesh distributed across third dimension to ensure contiguous
# communications
# --> nbgx = 1, nbgy = 1
# First dimension cannot be locally blocked (simd reasons)
# Second and third dimension local blocking limited by local mesh size
# Common packages, tools and options
, stdexp
, bsc
, targetMachine
, stages
, garlicTools
with stdenv.lib;
with garlicTools;
# Variable configurations
varConf = with targetMachine.config; {
# Local blocks per dimension
nblx = [ 1 ]; # SIMD
nbly = range2 1 (hw.cpusPerNode * 8);
nblz = [ 8 ];
sizex = [ 3 ];
gitBranch = [ "garlic/tampi+isend+oss+task+simd" ];
# Generate the complete configuration for each unit
genConf = c: targetMachine.config // rec {
# Experiment, units and job names
expName = "saiph-granularity";
unitName = "${expName}"
+ "-N${toString nodes}"
+ "-nbg.x${toString nbgx}.y${toString nbgy}.z${toString nbgz}"
+ "-nbl.x${toString nblx}.y${toString nbly}.z${toString nblz}";
jobName = unitName;
# saiph options
totalTasks = ntasksPerNode * nodes;
nodes = 1;
enableManualDist = true; # allows to manually set nbg{x-y-z}
nbgx = 1;
nbgy = 1;
nbgz = totalTasks; # forcing distribution by last dim
inherit (c) nblx nbly nblz gitBranch sizex;
blocksPerTask = nblx * nbly * nblz * 1.0;
blocksPerCpu = blocksPerTask / cpusPerTask;
# fix a specific commit
gitCommit = "8052494d7dc62bef95ebaca9938e82fb029686f6";
# Repeat the execution of each unit 10 times
loops = 10;
# Resources
inherit (targetMachine.config) hw;
qos = "debug";
ntasksPerNode = hw.socketsPerNode; # MPI binded to sockets
cpusPerTask = hw.cpusPerSocket; # Using the 24 CPUs of each socket
#*** Compute the final set of configurations ***
# Compute the array of configurations: cartesian product of all
# factors
allConfigs = stdexp.buildConfigs {
inherit varConf genConf;
# Filter to remove non-desired configurations:
# --> tasks/proc < 0.5
# --> nblz > 50
isGoodConfig = c:
maxNblz = c.cpusPerTask * 2;
! (c.blocksPerCpu < 0.5 || c.nblz > maxNblz);
configs = filter (isGoodConfig) allConfigs;
#*** Sets the env/argv of the program ***
exec = {nextStage, conf, ...}: stages.exec {
inherit nextStage;
env = ''
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${toString conf.cpusPerTask}
#*** Configure the program according to the app ***
program = {nextStage, conf, ...}: bsc.apps.saiph.override {
inherit (conf) enableManualDist
nbgx nbgy nbgz nblx nbly nblz
gitBranch gitCommit;
L3SizeKB = conf.hw.cacheSizeKB.L3;
cachelineBytes = conf.hw.cachelineBytes;
#*** Add stages to the pipeline ***
pipeline = stdexp.stdPipeline ++ [ exec program ];
stdexp.genExperiment { inherit configs pipeline; }