2021-04-16 11:49:37 +02:00

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with stdenv.lib;
gen = rec {
# genAttrSets "a" ["hello" "world"]
# [ { a = "hello"; } { a = "world"; } ]
genAttrSets = (name: arr: (map (x: {${name}=x; })) arr);
# addAttrSets "a" [1 2] {e=4;}
# [ { a = 1; e = 4; } { a = 2; e = 4; } ]
addAttrSets = (name: arr: set: (map (x: set // {${name}=x; })) arr);
# attrToList {a=1;}
# [ { name = "a"; value = 1; } ]
attrToList = (set: map (name: {name=name; value=set.${name};} ) (builtins.attrNames set));
# mergeConfig [{e=1;}] {name="a"; value=[1 2]
# [ { a = 1; e = 1; } { a = 2; e = 1; } ]
mergeConfig = (arr: new: flatten ( map (x: addAttrSets new.value x) arr));
# genConfigs {a=[1 2]; b=[3 4];}
# [ { a = 1; b = 3; } { a = 1; b = 4; } { a = 2; b = 3; } { a = 2; b = 4; } ]
genConfigs = (config: foldl mergeConfig [{}] (attrToList config));
# Generate multiple app versions by override with each config
genApp = (app: configs: map (conf: app.override conf // {conf=conf;}) configs);
# Generate app version from an array of apps
genApps = (apps: configs:
flatten (map (app: genApp app configs) apps));
/* Returns the path of the executable of a stage */
stageProgram = stage:
if stage ? programPath
then "${stage}${stage.programPath}"
else "${stage}";
/* Given a trebuchet, returns the experiment */
getExperimentStage = drv:
if (drv ? isExperiment) && drv.isExperiment then drv
else getExperimentStage drv.nextStage;
# Computes the exponentiation operation
pow = x: n: fold (a: b: a*b) 1 (map (a: x) (range 1 n));
# Generates a list of exponents from a to b inclusive, and raises base to
# each element of the list.
expRange = base: a: b: (map (ex: pow base ex) (range a b));
# Generates a range from start to end (inclusive) by multiplying start by 2.
range2 = start: end:
_range2 = s: e: if (s > e) then [] else [ s ] ++ (_range2 (s * 2) e);
_range2 start end;
# Generates a list of integers by halving number N until it reaches 1. Is
# sorted from the smallest to largest.
halfList = N:
_divList = n: if (n == 0) then [] else (_divList (n / 2)) ++ [ n ];
_divList N;
# A list of all divisors of n, sorted in increased order:
divisors = n: filter (x: (mod n x == 0)) (range 1 n);
# Generates a set given a list of keys, where all values are null.
genNullAttr = l: genAttrs l (name: null);
# From the keys in the lis l, generates a set with the values in the set a,
# if they don't exist, they are not taken. Values set to null are removed.
optionalInherit = l: a: filterAttrs (n: v: v!=null)
(overrideExisting (genNullAttr l) a);
# Given a float f, truncates it and returns the resulting the integer
floatTruncate = f: let
strFloat = toString f;
slices = splitString "." strFloat;
front = elemAt slices 0;
toInt front;