{ stdenv , stdexp , bsc , targetMachine , stages }: with stdenv.lib; let # Initial variable configuration varConf = with bsc; { nb = [ 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 ]; }; # Generate the complete configuration for each unit genConf = with bsc; c: targetMachine.config // rec { expName = "saiph.granularity"; unitName = "${expName}.nbx-nby-nbz-${toString nbx}-${toString nby}-${toString nbz}.nsteps-${nsteps}"; inherit (targetMachine.config) hw; # saiph options nbx = 1; nby = c.nb; nbz = c.nb; nsteps = 500; mpi = impi; gitBranch = "garlic/tampi+isend+omp+task+simd"; # Repeat the execution of each unit 30 times loops = 30; # Resources cachelineBytes = hw.cachelineBytes; qos = "debug"; time = "02:00:00"; ntasksPerNode = 1; nodes = 1; ntasksPerNode = hw.socketsPerNode; cpusPerTask = hw.cpusPerSocket; jobName = "${unitName}-${gitBranch}"; }; # Compute the array of configurations configs = stdexp.buildConfigs { inherit varConf genConf; }; exec = {nextStage, conf, ...}: with conf; stages.exec { inherit nextStage; env = '' export OMP_NUM_THREADS=${toString hw.cpusPerSocket} export ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=${bsc.clangOmpss2Unwrapped}/bin/llvm-symbolizer ''; }; program = {nextStage, conf, ...}: with conf; let customPkgs = stdexp.replaceMpi conf.mpi; in customPkgs.apps.saiph.override { inherit nbx nby nbz nsteps mpi gitBranch cachelineBytes; }; pipeline = stdexp.stdPipeline ++ [ exec program ]; in stdexp.genExperiment { inherit configs pipeline; }