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2021-03-13 02:33:40 +08:00
# This R program takes as argument the dataset that contains the results of the
# execution of the heat example experiment and produces some plots. All the
# knowledge to understand how this script works is covered by this nice R book:
# Winston Chang, R Graphics Cookbook: Practical Recipes for Visualizing Data,
# OReilly Media (2020). 2nd edition
# Which can be freely read it online here:
# Please, search in this book before copying some random (and probably oudated)
# reply on stack overflow.
# We load some R packages to import the required functions. We mainly use the
# tidyverse packages, which are very good for ploting data,
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(viridis, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# Here we simply load the arguments to find the input dataset. If nothing is
# specified we use the file named `input` in the current directory.
# We can run this script directly using:
# Rscript <path-to-this-script> <input-dataset>
# Load the arguments (argv)
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
# Set the input dataset if given in argv[1], or use "input" as default
if (length(args)>0) { input_file = args[1] } else { input_file = "input" }
# Here we build of dataframe from the input dataset by chaining operations using
# the magritte operator `%>%`, which is similar to a UNIX pipe.
# First we read the input file, which is expected to be NDJSON
df = jsonlite::stream_in(file(input_file), verbose=FALSE) %>%
# Then we flatten it, as it may contain dictionaries inside the columns
jsonlite::flatten() %>%
# Now the dataframe contains all the configuration of the units inside the
# columns named `config.*`, for example ``. We first select only
# the columns that we need:
select(, config.rbs, unit, time) %>%
# And then we rename those columns to something shorter:
rename(, rbs=config.rbs) %>%
# The columns contain the values that we specified in the experiment as
# integers. However, we need to tell R that those values are factors. So we
# apply to those columns the `as.factor()` function:
mutate(cbs = as.factor(cbs)) %>%
mutate(rbs = as.factor(rbs)) %>%
# The same for the unit (which is the hash that nix has given to each unit)
mutate(unit = as.factor(unit)) %>%
# Then, we can group our dataset by each unit. This will always work
# independently of the variables that vary from unit to unit.
group_by(unit) %>%
# And compute some metrics which are applied to each group. For example we
# compute the median time within the runs of a unit:
mutate(median.time = median(time)) %>%
mutate(normalized.time = time / median.time - 1) %>%
mutate(log.median.time = log(median.time)) %>%
# Then, we remove the grouping. This step is very important, otherwise the
# plotting functions get confused:
# These constants will be used when creating the plots. We use high quality
# images with 300 dots per inch and 5 x 5 inches of size by default.
dpi = 300
h = 5
w = 5
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# We plot the median time (of each unit) as we vary the block size. As we vary
# both the cbs and rbs, we plot cbs while fixing rbs at a time.
p = ggplot(df, aes(x=cbs, y=median.time, color=rbs)) +
# We add a point to the median
geom_point() +
# We also add the lines to connect the points. We need to specify which
# variable will do the grouping, otherwise we will have one line per point.
geom_line(aes(group=rbs)) +
# The bw theme is recommended for publications
theme_bw() +
# Here we add the title and the labels of the axes
labs(x="cbs", y="Median time (s)", title="Heat granularity: median time",
subtitle=input_file) +
# And set the subtitle font size a bit smaller, so it fits nicely
# Then, we save the plot both in png and pdf
ggsave("median.time.png", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)
ggsave("median.time.pdf", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Another interesting plot is the normalized time, which shows the variance of
# the execution times, and can be used to find problems:
p = ggplot(df, aes(x=cbs, y=normalized.time)) +
# The boxplots are useful to identify outliers and problems with the
# distribution of time
geom_boxplot() +
# We add a line to mark the 1% limit above and below the median
geom_hline(yintercept=c(-0.01, 0.01), linetype="dashed", color="red") +
# We split the plot into subplots, one for each value of the rbs column
facet_wrap(~ rbs) +
# The bw theme is recommended for publications
theme_bw() +
# Here we add the title and the labels of the axes
labs(x="cbs", y="Normalized time", title="Heat granularity: normalized time",
subtitle=input_file) +
# And set the subtitle font size a bit smaller, so it fits nicely
# Then, we save the plot both in png and pdf
ggsave("normalized.time.png", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)
ggsave("normalized.time.pdf", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# We plot the time of each run as we vary the block size
p = ggplot(df, aes(x=cbs, y=time, color=rbs)) +
# We add a points (scatter plot) using circles (shape=21) a bit larger
# than the default (size=3)
geom_point(shape=21, size=3) +
# The bw theme is recommended for publications
theme_bw() +
# Here we add the title and the labels of the axes
labs(x="cbs", y="Time (s)", title="Heat granularity: time",
subtitle=input_file) +
# And set the subtitle font size a bit smaller, so it fits nicely
# Then, we save the plot both in png and pdf
ggsave("time.png", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)
ggsave("time.pdf", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# We can also plot both cbs and rbs in each dimension by mapping the time with a
# color. The `fill` argument instruct R to use the `median.time` as color
p = ggplot(df, aes(x=cbs, y=rbs, fill=median.time)) +
# Then we use the geom_raster method to paint rectangles filled with color
geom_raster() +
# The colors are set using the viridis package, using the plasma palete. Those
# colors are designed to be safe for color impaired people and also when
# converting the figures to grayscale.
scale_fill_viridis(option="plasma") +
# We also force each tile to be an square
coord_fixed() +
# The bw theme is recommended for publications
theme_bw() +
# Here we add the title and the labels of the axes
labs(x="cbs", y="rbs", title="Heat granularity: time",
subtitle=input_file) +
# And set the subtitle font size a bit smaller, so it fits nicely
# Then, we save the plot both in png and pdf
ggsave("time.heatmap.png", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)
ggsave("time.heatmap.pdf", plot=p, width=w, height=h, dpi=dpi)